Discover breast augmentation without implants


The desire to enhance physical appearance has existed throughout history, and one of the most prominent aspects is breast augmentation. Traditionally, this has been achieved through the insertion of implants.

However, nowadays there is an innovative alternative: Lipocellular Regeneration Breast Augmentation. This revolutionary technique allows for discreet and natural enhancement using the patient’s own tissues.

In this blog, we will explore in detail this procedure and its benefits.

What is Lipocellular Regeneration?

Lipocellular Regeneration, also known as fat transfer, is an advanced surgical technique that involves extracting fat from one part of the patient’s body and subsequently injecting it into the breast area. This fat is usually obtained from areas such as the abdomen, thighs, or hips, through a gentle liposuction process. Once purified, the fat is strategically injected into the breasts to achieve the desired augmentation.

Advantages of Lipocellular Regeneration Breast Augmentation

  • Natural results: Unlike implants, which can give a less natural feel to the touch, Lipocellular Regeneration utilizes the patient’s own tissues, providing a more authentic look and feel.
  • Avoids the use of implants: With this technique, implants are not used. This reduces the risk of complications associated with breast implants.
  • Greater comfort: By avoiding implants, there is no need for revisions or replacements in the future, which can be an important consideration for some individuals.
  • Localized fat reduction: The gentle liposuction used to obtain fat for transfer can result in additional aesthetic improvement by reducing fat in unwanted areas of the body.
  • Faster recovery: Overall, recovery after Lipocellular Regeneration Breast Augmentation tends to be quicker than with implant placement, as there are no large incisions in the breast area.

Important considerations:

It’s important to note that not all patients are ideal candidates for this technique. The amount of fat available in the body and the elasticity of the skin in the breast area are factors that need to be carefully evaluated.

The choice of Lipocellular Regeneration technique depends on various factors, including your personal preferences and recommendations from Dr. Juan José Ruiz Treviño, MD, FACS.

Schedule your evaluation appointment today for breast augmentation, you may be a candidate for a natural and elegant surgery!

Remember, beauty begins from within, but there’s nothing wrong with giving it a little boost with the help of science and the expertise of a Certified Plastic Surgeon, by the “Board of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery AC,” Dr. Juan José Ruiz Treviño. You’ll look and feel incredible!

Dr. Juan José Ruiz Treviño, MD, FACS offers the most innovative breast augmentation in Monterrey, Nuevo León, and the world.

Follow him on Instagram and Facebook to learn more about his treatments in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery.