Natural breast augmentation


Throughout history, breast augmentation has been a common desire. Today, Cell-Assisted Lipotransfer (CAL) offers an innovative and natural alternative, utilizing the patient’s own tissues.

Cell-Assisted Lipotransfer involves the extraction of fat from areas such as the abdomen or thighs through gentle liposuction. This purified fat is then injected into the breasts, providing natural and authentic results to the touch.

Among the advantages of this method are:

Natural results: It utilizes the patient’s own tissues for an authentic appearance.
Avoids implants: Reduces the risk of complications associated with breast implants.
Greater comfort: Avoids the need for future revisions or replacements.
Localized fat reduction: Provides additional aesthetic improvement by reducing unwanted fat.
Quick recovery: Less invasive than implant placement, with a faster recovery time.

However, it is crucial to note that not all patients are ideal candidates. Careful evaluation of the amount of available fat and skin elasticity in the breast area is essential.

If you are interested in exploring this option for achieving natural breast augmentation, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. JJ Ruiz. As an expert in Cell-Assisted Lipotransfer techniques in Monterrey, he can offer you personalized guidance and help you safely and effectively achieve your aesthetic goals.

Don’t wait any longer to achieve the figure you desire!

Remember that your appearance can be improved with the help of science and the experience of a Certified Plastic Surgeon by the Mexican Association of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, Dr. Juan José Ruiz Treviño.

Dr. Juan José Ruiz Treviño, MD, FACS offers the most innovative breast augmentation surgery in Mexico and the world.

Follow him on Instagram and Facebook to learn more about his treatments in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery.